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Couverture de Going AWOL

Going AWOL

De : Mary Somervell
Lu par : Elisabeth Easther
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    Are you interested in living a more authentic and adventurous life? Would you like to be inspired by incredible outdoor adventures around New Zealand? Instead of making excuses for missing out, are you ready for experiences that will enrich your life? If so, this audiobook is for you.

    You will be captivated by the ups and downs of the real-life shared experiences of adventurous women on the loose (AWOL). They'll hike up mountains, across golden sandy beaches, and through spectacular bush. They also kayak across idyllic fiords and busy harbors, explore an active volcano, and so much more.

    In Going AWOL you will learn:

    • How being adventurous boosts our resilience for handling change, disruption, and upheavals.
    • When we step outside our comfort zone on stretch challenges, real growth happens.
    • Midlife transitions take longer than we think to recalibrate and become fully alive.
    • Discover how being more courageous, choosing your own adventures, and trying new experiences rebuild confidence and resilience to navigate through work and personal challenges.

    Mary Somervell is a transition guide, blogger, and outdoor adventurer who lives in Nelson, New Zealand. Mary founded AWOL (adventurous women on the loose) to share her passion for being active outdoors with other women. Including AWOL, she has organised over 70 different outdoor adventures around New Zealand.

    ©2022 Mary Somervell (P)2022 Mary Somervell

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