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Couverture de God of the Internet

God of the Internet

De : Lynn Lipinski
Lu par : Brett Noris, Caitlin Ruddy
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    In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, Juliana al-Dossari is a woman with a mission. When terrorist hackers threaten to disrupt water and power systems in Boston, Dallas, and Los Angeles, she joins her husband and a team of white hat hackers to track them down. With few technical skills but plenty of courage, Juliana quickly learns how to navigate the dangerous waters of the internet in order to save her city. But using her knowledge comes at a high price - her marriage and her children are threatened if she fails.

    Filled with action, suspense and intrigue, God of the Internet is an edge-of-your-seat thriller that will keep you resisting to pause until the very end.

    ©2016 Lynn Lipinski (P)2021 Lynn Lipinski


    Named to Kirkus Reviews Best Indie Books of 2016

    Finalist, Pacific Book Awards, Best Thriller of 2016

    "A deadly and exhilarating game of cat and mouse that has all the makings of an engaging series about fighting terrorists." (Kirkus Reviews - starred review)

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