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Couverture de God in the Meantime

God in the Meantime

De : Diane Batchelor
Lu par : Diane Batchelor, Jon Williams
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    Friday the 13th was the last time she felt fully in control of all her limbs. At 1 a.m. on Saturday, her world as she had known it ended...

    She was fully awake and trying not to freak out at the thought of something foreign travelling up into her body to roam around inside her brain?

    Is there really a purpose to all this pain?

    She asked, "Where is GOD when I'm suffering during the agonizingly long wait?"

    In this moving, revealing, and witty book Batchelor affirms that GOD is much smarter than we are. HIS timing is perfect. And HIS heart is totally loving.

    Delivered in lively, thoughtful and revealing prose. it is hard to miss Batchelor's faith statement and the truth of her loving FATHER who, in HIS infinite wisdom sometimes withholds in order to richly bless.

    She was caught with no way out than to confess what she believed GOD had told her?


    ©2020 Diane Batchelor (P)2023 Diane Batchelor

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