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Couverture de God Wants You Rich

God Wants You Rich

De : Ashley Terradez
Lu par : Ashley Terradez
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    Think about money the way God does!

    Discover the scandalous truth of God's perspective of wealth and riches for His children.

    Prosperity is one of God's most controversial promises. God Wants You Rich will show you directly from the Word of God that having wealth is not selfish, and that God desires His children to prosper. Ashley addresses misconceptions and common myths about wealth in the body of Christ.

    Our God has extravagant tastes! A healthy understanding of God's heart of prosperity reveals money as a tool that can be used for His glory without having a stronghold in our hearts.

    In this book, you will:

    • Learn the true purpose of money.
    • Debunk the myth that Jesus was poor.
    • Discern spiritual truth vs. religious fake news.
    • Discover unique principles of Kingdom Economics.
    • Recognize how riches come by grace through faith.

    Today is your day to step into greater abundance. When you learn to think about money and abundance the way God does, you will step into a new level of freedom in the bountiful Kingdom of God!

    ©2022 Ashley Terradez (P)2022 Harrison House Audio

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