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Couverture de God I Feel Modern Tonight

God I Feel Modern Tonight

De : Catherine Cohen
Lu par : Catherine Cohen
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    Poems of heartbreak and sex, self-care and self-critique, urban adventures and love on the road from the millennial quarantine queen and comedy sensation.

    in LA we got naked and swam in the ocean

    we ate cured meats and carrots

    & sat in the back of a red pickup truck

    like we were in a film where two old friends fight

    & wrestle their way into a hug

    heave-sobbing as the dust settles

    I want to be famous for being the first person

    who never feels bad again

    In these short, captivating lyrics, Catherine Cohen, the one-woman stand-up chanteuse who electrified the downtown NYC comedy scene in her white go-go boots, and who has been posting poignant, unfiltered poems on social media since before Instagram was a thing, details her life on the prowl with her beaded bag, she ponders guys who call you "dude" after sex, true love during the pandemic, and English-major dreams. "I wish I were smart instead of on my phone", Cohen confides; "heartbreak, / when it comes, and it will come / is always new."

    A Dorothy Parker for our time, a Starbucks philosophe with no primary-care doctor, she's a welcome new breed of everywoman - a larger-than-life best friend who will say all the outrageous things we think but never say out loud ourselves.

    ©2021 Catherine Cohen (P)2021 Random House Audio


    “An unflinching collection that explores sex, ego, art, bodies, millennial ennui, and longing.” (Arianna Rebolini, Buzzfeed)

    “Cat’s poetry is the perfect manifestation of her singular persona. It’s outrageously funny, bold, unafraid, absurd, unadorned and somehow consistently profound. I belly-laughed involuntarily throughout, was repeatedly moved, and mostly marveled at her deliciously unique voice.” (Ben Platt)

    “Does anyone chronicle and lampoon millennial ennui as hilariously, as vulnerably and as bitingly as Cat Cohen? NFW TBH. I’m a stan!” (Alan Cumming, author of Not My Father’s Son)

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