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  • Go Higher

  • Five Practices for Purpose, Success, and Inner Peace
  • De : Big Sean
  • Lu par : Big Sean
  • Durée : 8 h

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Go Higher

De : Big Sean
Lu par : Big Sean
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    Multi-platinum artist, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, Big Sean shares his five key practices for­ inner work and self-acceptance in this interactive guidebook on maintaining daily mental wellness.

    Sean Anderson, better known as Big Sean, has reached incredible levels of success in his music career. And while, from the outside, his life looks like a collection of enviable achievements, in truth, he has experienced the highest highs and the lowest lows that come with anxiety and depression.

    At the age of eighteen, Sean decided to forgo college to sign with Kanye West’s record label. Even though he saw his wildest dreams coming true, almost like a rap fairytale, he found himself contemplating taking his own life. It was in this, his darkest moments, that he started applying the spiritual practices he’d witnessed his mother embrace throughout his childhood from books like The Four Agreements, The Secret, and many more.

    From that moment on, Sean has been on a journey of inward reflection, self-acceptance, and continual work to become the best version of himself every day. In these pages he walks you through the five practices—accepting, strategizing, trying, trusting, and manifesting—that have given him the skills and confidence to become the beloved father, musician, and man that he is today. This book is a clarion call for the next self-help movement, poised to meet the complexities of the moment we’re in.

    Go Higher dares to ask the question: If we worked on our self-care regularly, instead of only when we were in crisis, how much higher could we go? Filled with step-by-step instructions for the tools Sean has been using on a daily basis for the last decade—journaling, agreements, affirmations, and meditation, as well as prompts to guide you on your own journey of self-reflection, Go Higher is a spiritual guidebook for our times, proving that investing in yourself isn’t something that drains your energy, but is something that gives you the energy to reach your fullest potential.
    ©2024 Big Sean (P)2024 Simon & Schuster Audio

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