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Girls and Their Horses

De : Eliza Jane Brazier
Lu par : Helen Laser
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    “The thriller of the summer.”—

    Set in the glamorous, competitive world of showjumping, a novel about the girls who ride, their cutthroat mothers, and a suspicious death at a horse show…from the author of Good Rich People

    When the nouveau riche Parker family moves to an exclusive community in the heart of Southern California, they believe it’s their chance at a fresh start. Heather Parker is determined to give her daughters the life she never had—starting with horses.

    She signs them up for riding lessons at Rancho Santa Fe Equestrian, where horses are a lifestyle. Heather becomes a “Barn Mom,” part of a group of wealthy women who hang at the stables, drink wine, and prepare their daughters for competition.

    It’s not long before the Parker family is fully enmeshed in the horse world—from mean girl cliques to barn romances and dark secrets. With the end of summer horse show fast approaching, the pressure is on, and these mothers will stop at nothing to give their daughters everything they deserve.

    Before the summer is over, lies will turn lethal, accidents will happen, and someone will end up dead.

    ©2023 Eliza Jane Brazier (P)2023 Penguin Audio


    “Calling all former horse girls: This is the thriller you've been waiting for.”—Good Housekeeping

    "In this whodunnit set in the elite show-jumping scene, new money clashes with old, while mean girls and competetive moms abound. Brazier gets everything right about how the horse world can go wrong."—People

    "The complex motives, class divisions and nice-nasty backbiting among the “horse girls” and “barn moms” brings to mind the competitive female environments in Megan Abbott’s novels, but Brazier’s experience as a horsewoman and deep knowledge of that world could make her the next Dick Francis."—LA Times

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