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Couverture de Girl Next Door

Girl Next Door

De : Karen King
Lu par : Tamsin Kennard
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    My darling son is accused of killing the girl next door. He would never do this… Would he?

    I have the perfect family: my loving, devoted partner. Our sons, so thoughtful and affectionate despite their teenage angst. But everything changes when our friendly neighbours move in.

    Their daughter Rachel is so pretty and bubbly. Her giggles float over our garden fence. I can see our boys are falling for her, fighting for her affection.

    Then Rachel falls from her bedroom window. Her life is hanging in the balance. And to my horror, her parents think my son Jacob pushed her.

    I know my sensitive son would never do such a thing, but he is hiding something. A mother always knows, doesn’t she? And who is spreading nasty rumours in our neighbourhood about me and my partner, about history repeating itself?

    Then I find Rachel’s broken sunflower necklace in my home, and my world falls apart. It’s unbearable, but I must face the truth. Someone’s child is fighting for their life. And someone in my family hurt her.

    With Rachel at death’s door, is Jacob in terrible danger too? And how far will I have to go to protect him?

    A totally binge-worthy and thrilling psychological suspense novel with a gasp-out-loud twist. Perfect for fans of Lisa Jewell, Clare Mackintosh and K.L. Slater.

    ©2024 Karen King (P)2024 Bookouture, an imprint of Storyfire Ltd.

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