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Couverture de Girl Awakened

Girl Awakened

De : Suzanne Adams
Lu par : Suzanne Adams
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    Samantha Kingston isn’t what anyone would call a spiritually bent millennial. With her perfect boyfriend, perfect job, and perennially packed social calendar, the world of crystals, downward dogs, chakras, and intentions seems as distant to her as Mars. Absurd, too, given the sole session she had with a Reiki “healer” who claimed she was well on her way to true love and eternal contentment - an assertion that’s all the more ludicrous when Sam loses her envy-inducing, Insta-ready life in a matter of weeks.

    But in the throes of Sam’s sudden depression, a different realm appears - one in which her late grandfather shows up in her living room, archangels confront her on hiking trails, hot men with glowing auras flirt with her at Target, and a morally bankrupt man who died of alcoholism materializes in her most desperate moments.

    Is she losing her mind - or is she on the cusp of a radical personal revolution? She doesn’t have much time to think about it, as a shamanic astrologer orders her to travel to several power spots around the globe, all of which are meant to take her farther away from the sinister influence of a group of unseen souls and closer to her genuine purpose on Earth - at least this time around.

    Described as “hugely entertaining” by New York Times best-selling author and contributor to The Secret Lisa Nichols and “fun, witty, and provocative” by podcast prodigy/The School of Greatness’ Lewis Howes, Girl Awakened is the first in a trilogy about spiritual awakening in the modern age.

    Tapping into the growing interest in divine communication, self-love, and life’s hidden truths, the novel takes listeners from the sultry streets of Atlanta to the towering pyramids of Egypt, proving along the way that magic and meaning are waiting for us just beneath the surface.

    What New York Times best-selling authors are saying about Girl Awakened:

    Girl Awakened is a mystical story that’s fresh, inventive, and will linger with you long after you are finished reading. Spirit junkies will relish this exciting new adventure and hunger for more." (Number one New York Times best-selling author of Super Attractor Gabby Bernstein)

    “Fun, witty, and provocative! Girl Awakened will get you jazzed about life’s bigger questions while taking you on an incredible ride.” (New York Times best-selling author Lewis Howes)

    “Soul-enhancing, life-affirming, and, most of all, hugely entertaining, Girl Awakened is as impossible to put down as it is to forget. Delivering the greatest spiritual messages through one of the most appealing protagonists in recent memory. Girl Awakened is destined to introduce a whole new genre of literature.” (New York Times best-selling author Lisa Nichols)

    ©2020 Suzanne Adams (P)2020 Suzanne Adams

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