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Couverture de Gin & Jewels

Gin & Jewels

De : Kimberly Knight
Lu par : Kylie Stewart, Eric Rolon
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    From USA Today best-selling author Kimberly Knight comes book five in her strong, sexy, and suspenseful Saddles & Racks series.

    The few...

    Bradley Rhodes had always wanted to be a Marine Raider. First to enter a fight, he quickly became the person everyone turned to for assistance. But when his mother became sick and the medical bills piled up, Brad left the Marines and joined Saddles & Racks where the money helped pay her debt and gave him the freedom to live a life without fear. 

    The unlucky...

    Cassandra Davidson lost her parents when she was 15, and the only family she had left was her older brother, who cared more about himself than her. When Cassie was 21, she was offered a job at a jewelry store. It provided more money than any other job she’d ever had and the sense of a real career to improve her circumstances. But a better life requires sacrifice, and soon she’s left wondering if that means abandoning the life she’s always known or following her heart. 

    The fallen...

    Brad and Cassie’s relationship starts to move forward after a life-changing encounter, but what will happen when Cassie disappears without a trace? Some secrets are meant to stay buried because...blood may be thicker than water...but fate always prevails. 

    ©2019 Kimberly Knight (P)2021 Kimberly Knight

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