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Couverture de Gigi and Ojiji

Gigi and Ojiji

De : Melissa Iwai
Lu par : Seiko Shih
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    Gigi wants to go by something besides her baby name—but her full name, Geraldine, is too long to write and Hanako, her middle name, doesn’t feel quite right. Will Gigi find the perfect name?

    This exciting new I Can Read series is brought to you by author-illustrator Melissa Iwai, whose popular books include Soup Day and Dumplings for Lili.

    Gigi and Ojiji: What’s in a Name? is a Level Three I Can Read book. Level 3 includes many fun subjects kids love to explore on their own. Themes include friendship, adventure, historical fiction, and science. Level 3 books are written for early independent book explorers. They include some challenging words and more complex themes and stories. The story contains several Japanese words and a glossary of definitions.

    Praise for Gigi and Ojiji:

    "Gigi crafts her Japanese American identity in this ­enchanting early reader. The cuteness, inclusivity, and cross-cultural problem-solving represented will have young ­readers coming back again and again. A must-buy."—School Library Journal (starred review)

    "The text is well supported by the endearing illustrations, which capture all of Gigi’s big emotions and depict her as a biracial child, with a white father and Japanese mother."—ALA Booklist (starred review)

    "An affirming option in the quickly diversifying field of early-reader books."—Kirkus Reviews

    A 2023 Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor title

    El día de los niños, el día de los libros selection 2023

    ALSC Notable 2023

    CBC Teacher and Librarian Favorites Award 2023

    A Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year in the 5-9 beginning reader category (2023)

    A Chicago Public Library Best of the Best

    A CCBC 2024 Choices for the Books for Beginning Readers category!

    ©2023 Melissa Iwai (P)2023 HarperCollins Publishers
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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