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Couverture de Giant


De : T.A. Barron
Lu par : John Lee
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    A prequel to the best-selling Merlin saga starring Shim, a young giant who must embark on a dangerous adventure when he's shrunk to the size of a man's knee.

    "An excellent jumping-in point for new readers as well as pleasurable reading for established fans.... Simply delightful.” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review)

    Listen to it before you see it! The Merlin saga is soon to be a major motion picture!

    Shim has only ever known a world of peace. Unusually big and strong even for a young giant, he lives on the magical isle of Fincayra, immersed in nature as well as tales of wizards, mer folk, and dragons.

    Suddenly that world explodes in chaos. A terrible attack forces Shim and his mother to flee - and take a hazardous journey to reach the only person who could possibly help them, the mysterious Domnu. But when a wager goes horribly wrong, Shim shrinks down to a tiny fraction of his size. Now only as tall as a man’s knee, he finds himself lost in a deadly swamp. Worse yet, he has forgotten something important, something truly essential. But what?

    As small as he is now, Shim must find giant-size courage. He embarks on a perilous quest to discover what happened, what secret he forgot, and what it really means to be a giant.

    Combining his trademark passion, adventure, and spiritual depth, T. A. Barron tells the origin story of this beloved character from his highly acclaimed, international best-selling series The Merlin Saga. As the prequel to the saga, this story is as big as a giant...and as magical as Merlin.

    ©2021 T.A. Barron (P)2021 Listening Library


    *“An excellent jumping-in point for new readers as well as pleasurable reading for established fans…Simply delightful.”—Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

    "Middle-grade readers will delight in the danger, emotional depth, and escapismthat accompanies this magical world."—Booklist

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