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  • Ghosts on the Penistone Line

  • Featuring Stories from Sheffield, Barnsley, Penistone, Huddersfield, and Beyond... (Strange Britain)
  • De : Adrian Finney
  • Lu par : Peter McGiffen
  • Durée : 2 h et 24 min

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Ghosts on the Penistone Line

De : Adrian Finney
Lu par : Peter McGiffen
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    The Penistone Line is a railway line in South Yorkshire, England. It runs from Sheffield to Huddersfield, via Penistone and Barnsley, and has a history that goes back almost two centuries. In that time, it has picked up more than its fair share of ghost stories, perhaps due to the fact that its early history was marked by a number of accidents and disasters leading one Victorian reporter to call the line "The Graveyard of the Railways".

    There are many ghost stories associated with the Penistone Line, including the story of the policeman who patrols his beat from the great beyond, the story of the first documented use of a crystal ball, several ghost trains, a portal to the other side, and even the story of a Victorian-era hoax.

    Whether you are interested in the paranormal or whether you are interested in the history of the railways, there is something for you inside Ghosts of the Penistone Line. This book tells the stories of the ghosts who haunt the Penistone Line, and it also explores the history of the line and the events that have led to its reputation as a haunted railway.

    ©2023 Strange Britain (P)2023 Strange Britain

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