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Couverture de Ghosted


De : Rosie Mullender
Lu par : Catrin Walker-Booth
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    How badly have you been ghosted? No, literally.

    A year ago, Emily was ghosted.

    But it's fine, she's over it. And Andy was never part of the plan anyway. She's working on Project New Emily - New Emily goes to cocktail bars, wears ankle-breaking heels and has her life together. She's looking for a new man to match; Andy's old Converse and bad jokes were never going to work.

    Thoughts about Andy are firmly in the past - until his name is spelled out on a Ouija board at a party. Emily discovers that Andy didn't ghost her - he died. And just as she's trying to work out how she feels, Andy turns up in her flat as a ghost. A ghost. In her flat.

    Once she's over the shock, Emily realises she needs to get rid of this ghost of dating past so she can focus on the new man in her sights - and that the only way she can do that is to help Andy solve the mystery of his death. But as she spends more time with him, she remembers how nice it was to let her guard down and just be Old Emily sometimes.

    Emily must choose between her new life and the past that's come back to haunt her. But she soon discovers that when it comes to putting her ghosts to rest, it's not as easy as she might think...

    ©2023 Rosie Mullender (P)2023 Hachette Audio UK


    'The funniest mystery you'll read this year or your money back (not legally binding).' Adam Kay

    'Charming, fresh, and side-splittingly funny! GHOSTED takes a sharp look at social media and influencer culture, while weaving an exciting, romantic adventure. I laughed, I cried, I'll be recommending to everyone!' Beth Reekles

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