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Couverture de Getting Over Max Cooper

Getting Over Max Cooper

De : Marcelle Karp
Lu par : Phoebe Strole
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    Letting go is a beach.

    Jazz Jacobson has spent 14 of her 16 summers on Fire Island. It's just an hour from Manhattan, but feels like a world away, where Jazz thrives in the absence of the social hierarchies and pressures of high school. Most of all, it's the place where she's reunited with her best friend, Macy Whelan.

    This summer starts out strong when the cute new boy on the island seems to like Jazz (hello, first boyfriend?). But it's hard to focus on her own crush when Macy's still obsessing over her hookup from last summer, Max Cooper.

    Jazz can't believe how cold and mean Max is to Macy. But when Macy starts to seriously act out, Jazz begins to see that she knows only one side of the story...and that she has to help her friend before something terrible happens.

    Boundaries are crossed and the edge of sanity is tested in Marcelle Karp's debut novel, which celebrates the complicated dynamics of female friendship and the heartbreaking ache of first love.

    ©2022 Marcelle Karp (P)2022 Listening Library


    “Ride the highs and lows of first loves and friendship in this beachy page-turner.” —Girls' Life

    “A story of first love, flawed friendship, and small-town summers . . . A quintessential beach read.” —Kirkus Reviews

    “Karp’s intricately detailed locales and companionable cast effectively capture one unforgettable, whirlwind summer.” —Publishers Weekly

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