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Couverture de "Getting Back to Me"

"Getting Back to Me"

De : Scottie Jeanette Madden
Lu par : Scottie Jeanette Madden
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    This is the real time account of the coming out of a respected adventure survival filmmaker, taken from her journal entries as she leaves behind fear and white male privilege to embrace truth, grace and womanhood. Her gut-wrenching journey of love, acceptance and honesty becomes the ultimate survival show. Scottie didn't make it easy on herself. Like many late-stage trans women, Scottie had made one helluva guy; succeeding as a husband of 25 years, the only son, the big brother to three sisters and the legendary adventurer uncle to their children. Everything in her life screamed alpha male. No one could guess that Scottie, a top survival showrunner for the Discovery and History Channels, known for leading über-male productions in the world's most dangerous locations, was losing a lifelong battle for her soul. It takes faith and true love in and from her wife, for Scottie to shake off 50 years of expectations from her family, society and herself. But first, she must face down her own denial to dismantle the walls of a self-imposed prison. Scottie's articulate and insightful perspective shines new light on the transgender experience, but it's her deeply personal confession told with unflinching clarity, inspiring courage, and engaging humor, that makes her story a must listen for any human, of any persuasion. Hers is a love story that will inspire and affirm everyone.

    ©2015 Scottie Jeanette Christine Madden (P)2016 Scottie Jeanette Christine Madden
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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