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  • Get The Girls Out

  • A memoir of love, loss and letting loose
  • De : Lucy Bloom
  • Lu par : Lucy Bloom
  • Durée : 6 h et 35 min

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Couverture de Get The Girls Out

Get The Girls Out

De : Lucy Bloom
Lu par : Lucy Bloom
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    A rousing, funny, straight-talking, inspirational and generally awesome audiobook, part memoir, part life-lessons, which urges us all to find our courage, take joy in life and celebrate our extraordinary ordinariness.

    Stirring, straight-talking, incredibly inspiring, funny and full-on - Lucy Bloom is one of a kind, and so is her memoir.

    Lucy's open-hearted interest in the world has taken her from jillarooing on a cattle farm to maternity hospitals in Ethiopia, from marshalling a cross-country carnival in northern Uganda to CEO briefings in the back of a tuk-tuk in Cambodia. Hers has been a life of fighting for the underdog only to find out that, sometimes, the underdog is actually her. Taking all dramatic life-turns, side-steps and face-plants in her stride, Lucy has rebuilt her life every time, with love and adventure at its heart, plus a side order of mischief.

    Rollicking, rude, brimful with joy and with a take-no-prisoners, bare-all honesty, this audiobook is a call to arms - an audiobook to make you laugh out loud, nod your head in recognition, recharge your life and let loose.

    ©2019 Lucy Bloom (P)2021 Bolinda Publishing


    "This memoir is so full of life and its ups and downs, you will start reading it again as soon as you finish. We are all richer for knowing Lucy." (Wendy Whiteley OAM)

    "Lucy tells powerful stories of human tenacity and love; she inspires all with her insight into the human spirit." (Bernard Salt AM)

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