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Couverture de Get the Girl

Get the Girl

De : Andrea LaRosa
Lu par : Joanna Teljeur
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    Are you ready for the relationship of your dreams where you feel supported, loved, and respected? It may sound like fiction, but it’s not. In Get the Girl, author Andrea LaRosa offers a guide to better understanding the woman you want to date or the woman you want to be. Women are often described as “strong and independent,” yet so few really know what that means.

    LaRosa chronicles her personal journey and shares top-notch secrets to having a successful, romantic relationship. She tells how relationships are seductively complex and require a balance of masculine and feminine energy, while needing healthy boundaries, effective communication, and fun. She discusses the traits of high-value women, identifies the challenges in dating them, and shows how to support one.

    Get the Girl speaks to both men looking to date a high-value woman and high-value women looking to fall in love. It communicates the importance of being true to yourself, authentic, and empathic.

    ©2022 Andrea LaRosa (P)2022 Andrea LaRosa

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