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  • Get Your Money Right

  • An Insider’s Guide to Simplified Wealth and Finding Financial Freedom
  • De : Michael W. Hanna
  • Lu par : Michael W. Hanna
  • Durée : 1 h et 50 min

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Get Your Money Right

De : Michael W. Hanna
Lu par : Michael W. Hanna
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    Have you ever wondered why people struggle financially even though they earn a respectable income? In Get Your Money Right, you’ll learn everything you need to know to get your financial life in order and set yourself on the path to financial victory. The author provides you with a clear roadmap and infrastructure, based on his personal results and those of his clients, to create real and permanent wealth irrespective of how much you earn. You will learn about generating wealth through passive income and the detailed strategies you need to overcome the three main opponents of wealth creation: inflation, taxes, and yourself. This book sheds real light on how to master all personal finance decisions—how to effectively budget and save, to intelligently spend and invest, and to navigate the intricacies beyond to create true financial freedom.

    Michael W. Hanna, MBA, CFP®, RICP®, AEP® is a certified financial planner, a retirement income certified professional and an accredited estate planner. Over the last two decades, Mike has helped a wide spectrum of clients to create a financial roadmap to wealth accumulation, customized for each clients' goals and aspirations. He maintains Series 7 and 66, as well as life and health insurance licenses.

    A consistent leader in his practice, Mike is also an active member of many financial organizations, such as The Society of Financial Service Professionals, The Financial Planning Association, The New York City Estate Planning Council, and The Million Dollar Round Table, an organization of the top five percent of finance professionals in the country. He was named one of Forbes Top Financial Security Professionals in America in 2021 and 2022 consecutively.

    Mike’s passion for wealth management stems from seeing the restrictions many people have because of their financial inflexibility, and he has dedicated his life’s work to helping people carve out a better financial way forward, one free of uncertainty and financial worry.

    ©2021 Michael W. Hanna (P)2022 Michael W. Hanna

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