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  • Get Scalable

  • The Operating System Your Business Needs to Run and Scale Without You
  • De : Ryan Deiss
  • Lu par : Ryan Deiss
  • Durée : 4 h et 55 min

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Get Scalable

De : Ryan Deiss
Lu par : Ryan Deiss
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    You started your business because you wanted more. More wealth. More freedom. A greater impact. But these days, it feels like you're working harder than ever for less and less money, and you barely have time to take a coffee break, much less a vacation. Sound familiar?

    If your answer is a weary "yes," then Get Scalable is here to change the game...and your life.

    In the entrepreneurial journey, many fall prey to the Founder's Curse—the dangerous notion that their business's success hinges solely on their effort. But Ryan Deiss is here to shatter this illusion and usher you toward a reality where your business doesn't just survive without your constant input—it thrives.

    The secret? An "operating system." Deiss convincingly argues that this is the secret weapon of the world's most successful companies. It's their playbook—the guide that outlines what the company does, how it does it, and how it's progressing toward its goals. This isn't just an abstract concept, but a practical tool for unlocking the potential you know exists within you and your company.

    Get Scalable provides a tangible, step-by-step plan to swap your exhausting "YouOS" for a powerful, tailor-made "Scalable OS." This isn't just another business book filled with vague advice and buzzwords. This tactical guide will equip you with the tools to forge a system that ensures your company runs seamlessly, expands rapidly, and, most importantly, doesn't burn you out.

    With a mix of intriguing real-world examples, lightbulb-moment insights, and straightforward strategies, Deiss will walk you through the whole process. By the end of the book, you'll have a whole new operating system in place that lets your business thrive, scale, and zoom ahead, whether you're in the driver's seat or not.

    It's time to break free of the Founder's Curse. It's time to Get Scalable.

    ©2023 Ryan Deiss (P)2024 Ryan Deiss

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