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  • Get Over 'I Got It'

  • How to Stop Playing Superwoman, Get Support, and Remember that Having It All Doesn’t Mean Doing It All Alone
  • De : Elayne Fluker
  • Lu par : Elayne Fluker
  • Durée : 5 h et 57 min

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Get Over 'I Got It'

De : Elayne Fluker
Lu par : Elayne Fluker
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    A strong support network and meaningful connections are crucial to your long-term success and peace of mind.

    Although successful women excel in every way, many resist the idea of seeking help due to fear of being viewed as weak or incompetent. Instead, they struggle alone and sacrifice their happiness and peace along the way. If you feel this way, you’re in the right place!

    In Get Over “I Got It,” author and podcast host Elayne Fluker shows you that this isolated mindset is the reason you are overwhelmed, depressed, and even unfulfilled. With Elayne’s help, you will learn:

    • How to step outside your comfort zone to ask for and accept support.
    • The importance of ditching the “do-it-alone” philosophy.
    • How to build your network and make useful connections.
    • Ways for you to embrace the proven benefits of a stronger-together approach.

    Get Over "I Got It" will help you overcome the hurdles you face that prevent you from asking for help, giving you a surefire strategy - and the confidence - to seek support. You’ll be positioned to establish a solid network of support and enroll others in your vision to achieve success.

    ©2021 Elayne Fluker (P)2021 Thomas Nelson

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