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  • Get Changed

  • Finding the New You Through Fashion
  • De : Kat Farmer
  • Lu par : Kat Farmer
  • Durée : 7 h et 37 min

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Get Changed

De : Kat Farmer
Lu par : Kat Farmer
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    Get Changed is for the countless women out there who are wondering whether they know who they are anymore. Loss of identity is an experience all too familiar to Instagram style guru and professional stylist Kat Farmer. In her own life, she found that fashion helped her regenerate herself and rediscover her confidence.

    In Get Changed, Kat's authentic down-to-earth voice, trademark humour and insights into some of her personal anxieties make you feel like she's right there in the room with you. The book delivers the personal stylist experience to listeners, a step-by-step practical guide to building the ultimate new wardrobe. Borrowing from the structure of a recipe book, the prep, the ingredients and the method, Kat breaks down the process with easy-to-remember tips and tricks; the listener will come away inspired and confident that they can build a wardrobe of clothes they love. Most importantly, Kat will show that finding your confidence again and discovering the new you can be as simple as getting changed.

    The audiobook covers all the basics - sorting out and assessing your current wardrobe, working out what works for your body type and your lifestyle, how to shop successfully, key wardrobe pieces (crucially that will work together), all tackled with Kat's helpful, warm and funny approach.

    ©2022 Kat Farmer (P)2022 Octopus Publishing Group

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