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Couverture de Gershwin's Magic Key

Gershwin's Magic Key

De : Paul Pement, Libby Wheeler
Lu par : Elic Bramlett, Leslie Ann Sheppard
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    A musical tale of friendship and inspiration! 

    Step into the streets of 1920s New York City, where a poor newsboy has a chance encounter with the famous composer George Gershwin. A bonding friendship develops as the two explore the many sights and sounds of the city and the vast melting post of American music. But will they discover the key to unlocking the boy’s own musical potential? Children and adults alike will be captivated by more than two dozen of Gershwin’s most popular compositions from classics like "Porgy & Bess", "American in Paris", "Cuban Overture", and "Rhapsody in Blue". Presenting history, drama, music and fun, this engaging story is designed to be enjoyed by the entire family.

    ©2020 The Children's Group under exclusive licence to Linus Entertainment (P)2020 The Children's Group under exclusive licence to Linus Entertainment

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