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Couverture de George Stephenson: A Life from Beginning to End

George Stephenson: A Life from Beginning to End

De : Hourly History
Lu par : William Irvine
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    George Stephenson is one of the world’s most famous engineers. His pioneering work on steam-powered locomotion would supercharge the industrial revolution in the United Kingdom and help bring about the heyday of the British Empire. Through his talent and passion for engineering, Stephenson was able to transform the landscape around him, ushering in an era when travel across the country could be achieved in hours instead of days or even weeks. He is the epitome of the self-made man, rising from the lowest of origins to dominate the society in which he lived.

    In this book you will hear about...

    • A Childhood in Coal
    • From Illiterate to Engineer
    • The Self-Made Man
    • The Safety Lamp Controversy
    • The Liverpool-Manchester Failure
    • The Rocket Takes Over the World
    • And much more!

    This book tells the story of George Stephenson from the humblest of origins to his final days as one of the country’s most revered and successful men.

    ©2017 Hourly History (P)2017 Hourly History

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