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De : T. H. Morris
Lu par : Henry Schrader
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Jonah has witnessed the unthinkable.

The world has changed, and the new threats aren’t just ethereal. It’s no longer just about having the right spiritual powers, the right armaments, or the right allies.

Just like before, when Jonah thought he had the 11th Percent figured out, just when he thought he had all the answers, he learned once again that he had no idea.

Now, Jonah Rowe faces his most challenging trial yet. His faith will be tested and his beliefs challenged. And in the end, he'll find himself asking the question: Is it the world that is different or just him?

Gaslighter is a stand-alone novel, and can be enjoyed even if you haven't read other books in the series.

©2018 T. H. Morris (P)2019 T. H. Morris
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