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Couverture de Game of Throw-Ins

Game of Throw-Ins

De : Ross O'Carroll-Kelly
Lu par : Rory Nolan
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    I was a rugby player with a great future behind me. A 35-year-old father of five with an expanding waistline who was trying to survive the bloody battlefield we call life. 

    My son was locked in a violent turf war with a rival Love/Hate tour operator, my daughter was in love with a boy who looked like Justin Bieber and my old dear was about to walk up the aisle with a 92-year-old billionaire who thought it was still 1936. 

    I was, like, staring down the barrel of middle age with the contentment of knowing that I was the greatest Irish rugby player who no-one in Ireland had ever actually heard of. Until a chance conversation with an old Jesuit missionary made me realise that it wasn't enough.

    I was guided, as if by GPS, to a muddy field in - let's be honest - Ballybrack. And there I finally discovered my destiny - to keep a struggling Seapoint team in Division 2B of the All Ireland League. 

    Or die trying. 

    ©2020 Ross O'Carroll-Kelly (P)2020 Penguin Audio


    "Ireland's finest comic creation since Father Ted." (Hot Press)

    "Hides a heart of darkness beneath the layers of craic and great gas and great story-telling and human warmth. Ross O'Carroll-Kelly is Ireland!" (Irish Times)

    "A cracking and hilariously witty read." (Irish Independent)

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