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  • Gambling Addiction Recovery Workbook: Written by a Former Gambler

  • De : C.W. V Straaten
  • Lu par : Duke Holm
  • Durée : 1 h et 26 min

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Gambling Addiction Recovery Workbook: Written by a Former Gambler

De : C.W. V Straaten
Lu par : Duke Holm
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    A five-step masterplan to conquer your addiction. A unique recovery story.

    The Gambling Addiction Workbook is a life-changing guide that has helped many to understand and overcome their gambling addiction. In this unique self-help guide for recovery, you will find a remarkable how-to plan for lasting recovery. It is recorded in an uplifting and peaceful style.

    The author C.W.V Straaten struggled with the hypnotic demons of gambling addiction himself, until he finally discovered how to free himself from his addictive behavior. In the Gambling Addiction Workbook, he shares his five-step masterplan to recovery.

    Among the worst afflicted, C.W.V Straaten knows how it is to deal with the destructions of addictions. In his gambling addiction guide, he will encourage you to fight, understand, and eventually make peace with your demons. A gambling addiction, no matter how destructive, won't win the final battle. The words within this guide will help to ensure this.

    Another life, without the pain of continuous lies, devastating financial worries, and an occupation with gambling, is awaiting you. The recovery process in the Gambling Addiction Workbook will guide you to conquer your addiction for good.

    ©2016 True Potential Project (P)2018 True Potential Project

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