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De : Dan Adrian
Lu par : Dan Adrian
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Time travel, love, mystery, and suspense await you in Galimar: Rise of the Quantum Traveler.

Beginning in a galaxy close to our own, this is a story that offers a message of hope and shows that Earth's future can be bright. Due to circumstances beyond its control, an expedition belonging to an amazing and beautiful alien race finds itself on a planet that is perfect, but the members have no way to return home. When they arrive, they call the new planet Eden. The inhabitants of that planet call it Earth. They build an amazing society while remaining completely isolated from the rest of the planet.

Meanwhile, Earth is about to tear itself apart in an extinction-level event. The aliens have the technology to mend the planet, but since a plague has wiped out their population, nobody is left that can show humans how to use it. Can a way be found to save the aliens, and save the rest of humanity as well? Will love reach across space and time and save both species?

©2020 Daniel Zumwalt (P)2022 Daniel Zumwalt
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