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Couverture de Gaea Star Crystal

Gaea Star Crystal

De : Mariam Massaro
Lu par : Mariam Massaro
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    The Gaea Star Crystal, Awakening the tribes of Light, book 1, is a celestial adventure when the earth's, (known as Gaea Star) whalesongs are heard throughout the universe, seeking help to save her elemental resources from the uncaring greedy ones bent on taking everything without regard for her beauty.

    The Archangels, Michael and Gabriel summon all those sympathetic to Star Sirius for a momentous meeting, where the council chooses a gifted brigade of Light-workers to serve on the first wave to the precious earth, to help humanity awaken to their true spiritual dynamic powerful selves to restore harmony.

    All of the beings of love and light, the angels, fairies, unicorns, and ancient elders bless the brigade with their wise teachings, crystals and guiding support from afar. A timeless twin flame love story with Ashento, an ascended master and one of the lightworkers, is woven in and of course the shadow forces attempt to stop the quest by infiltrating into the mission to sail to Gaea Star.

    ©2020 Mariam Massaro (P)2023 Mariam Massaro

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