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  • GPS for Living, a Practical Guide for Surviving Change

  • De : Pati Hope
  • Lu par : Amy Otteson
  • Durée : 6 h et 54 min

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GPS for Living, a Practical Guide for Surviving Change

De : Pati Hope
Lu par : Amy Otteson
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    Life doesn't seem to be going the way you planned? GPS for Living offers insight and practical information for navigating the bumps and curves that life often brings. 

    In GPS for Living you will uncover: 

    • How everything changes and is supposed to 
    • Gain practical tips on how to change
    • The soul's journey in this life, how to respire your passion for living, and much more

    About the author: Pati Hope has worked in the Catholic Church in various capacities for the past 30 years, obtaining certificates in spirituality and parish life and administration along the way. When her life fell apart and the end of a 30-year marriage with four adult children, she began a quest to find meaning in her life. It is then that her true gifts began to emerge. She is a master of transition, guiding others through life’s many transitions. She believes that we are in constant transition from the moment we inhale our first breath when we enter this world, until we exhale our last breath when we exit and every moment in between.

    ©2011 Evolve to Live Publishing Division and Pati Hope (P)2020 Evolve to Live and Pati Hope

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