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Couverture de GCode


De : Ryan Stewman
Lu par : Daniel Galvez II, Ryan Stewman
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    Everything on this planet is governed by a code called the Force of Average. The Force of Average has one job and one job only: to distract you as much as it can.

    On the flip side, we humans have a superpower that allows us to fight the Force of Average and win. That super power is focus. Where most people get stuck is when they don't know how to focus, or what to focus on. That's where the GCode comes in and gives you simple, yet powerful instructions on exactly what to focus on.

    In this audiobook, the author lays out simple, step-by-step instructions on how you can become the greatest version of yourself, by focusing on what matters most on a daily basis. You'll learn the four parts of the GCode, which when consistently focused on daily, will lead you down a path to becoming unstoppable in every area of your life. Once you put this life pattern into play, you can truly have everything you've ever wanted in life, such as:

    • The right mindset.
    • A healthy body.
    • Your goal income.
    • Amazing relationships.

    This audiobook has taken all the complications of life and simplified them into four areas you can focus on daily to truly live out the life you were created to live.

    ©2020 Ryan Stewman (P)2023 Ryan Stewman

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