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Couverture de Future Noir

Future Noir

De : Paul M. Sammon
Lu par : Todd McLaren
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    Ridley Scott's 1992 "Director's Cut" confirmed the international film cognoscenti's judgment: Blade Runner, based on Philip K. Dick's science fiction masterpiece Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, is the most visually dense, thematically challenging, and influential science fiction film ever made.

    In this intensive, intimate, and anything-but-glamorous behind-the-scenes account, film insider and cinephile Paul M. Sammon explores how Ridley Scott used his creative genius to transform the work of science fiction's most uncompromising author into a critical sensation, a commercial success, and a cult classic that would reinvent the genre.

    This edition of Future Noir includes:

    - An overview of Blade Runner's impact on movie making and its acknowledged significance in popular culture since the book's original publication

    - An exploration of the history of Blade Runner: The Final Cut

    - An up-close look at its long-awaited sequel Blade Runner 2049

    A fascinating look at the ever-shifting interface between commerce and art, Future Noir provides an eye-opening and enduring look at modern movie making, the business of Hollywood, and one of the greatest films of all time.

    ©1996, 2017 Paul M. Sammon (P)2024 Tantor

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