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Couverture de Future Humans 2

Future Humans 2

De : George DePuy, Tim Rayborn
Lu par : Eric Fox
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    Unearth the Future: When today's challenges meet tomorrow's heroes in a time-twisting saga!

    Future Humans 2: Mixed-Time Children spins an enthralling tale of hope, innovation, and resilience. Engineer Jace's tales of his escapades through time confound even his closest kin. But when an invitation from the future beckons, the family witnesses realms they've never fathomed.

    As the threads of past, present, and an underground 31st century intertwine, Sara and the children confront Jace's unbelievable stories: a life beneath the earth's surface, ancient quests that might determine humanity's fate, and the blurred lines of family and loyalty across eras. Venturing from the courts of Pharaoh Hatshepsut to the towering reign of Charlemagne, they grapple with challenges both temporal and environmental.

    Amidst the backdrop of a world grappling with the dire consequences of climate change, listeners will find themselves engrossed in the adventures of two families bound by time. Dive into a future where the specters of today's environmental calamities loom large, where the so-called 'aliens' are not extraterrestrial, but future versions of us, evolved in response to life underground.

    Future Humans 2: Mixed-Time Children is not just a story of time-travel and historical quests, but also a resonating reflection on the climate challenges we face and the hope that innovation, courage, and collective action can bring. Perfect for young adults, environmental enthusiasts, and anyone looking for a thrilling ride across eras, this book reinforces the belief that the key to tomorrow lies in understanding both our past and potential future. Dive in and unearth the secrets of tomorrow in a journey where time’s mysteries meet humanities hope!

    ©2024 George DePuy (P)2024 George DePuy

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