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Couverture de Funny Love Story

Funny Love Story

De : Moshood Bello
Lu par : Moshood Atanda Bello
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    In a calm, calm residential setting, two couples fight the battle of love, fidelity, and passion. Melissa and Jake are married; their once energetic relationship has been a boredom. Some miles down the same residential road are Mark and Linda—perhaps the lovely couple in town—and their unexpressed longings coupled with unfilled desires.

    Life paths chart another course altogether when one coincidence encounter in the night sparks an untimely interest between Melissa and Mark and the second between Jake and Linda. Flirtation quickly grew into a whirlwind. Whispered secrets and tested boundaries threw the four into a deceitful, desirable, laugh-out-loud mess.

    Their secret meeting brings them to a mysteriously located mountain cabin where the revealing of secret desires unleashes forbidden passions inside of themselves as multiple encounters link their lives and bring Melissa to learn a lesson of many–that she has just become pregnant. It is news full of joy and doubt, for it is the marriage of secret love. In the still, idyllic calm of a retreat in the vineyard, four lovers are composed to confront their worst fears and greatest desires.

    At this edge-of-the-seat, emotional climax, they must be made to choose options that will blow their lives wide open forever. Will they give in to this temptation in their forbidden passions, or will they be able to honor their love with their loved ones?

    It's a hilarious love story with all the unexpected laughs, lies, and humor. It is a tale of boundaries being pressed in conventional relationships, of how they dare one on to happiness and mirth from the least suspected places. Be prepared for each roller-coaster twist, where with each minute, one cannot but hope what happens next, as to what is in store for these four linking souls.

    ©2024 Moshood Atanda Bello (P)2024 Moshood Atanda Bello
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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