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From the Painted Tomb

De : Brenda Hill
Lu par : Ayleen Augustine
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    Beware of the Full Moon

    Prince Rahmor Lupaster, third son of Thutmose III
    18th Dynasty Memphis, Egypt
    1479 BC to 1425 BC

    In his desire to protect a copper-haired slave who becomes queen, Prince Rahmor undergoes a secret, magical ritual that transforms him into an immortal shape-shifting beast. His love and admiration for this woman not only changes his life, but the consequences of that love carry through the ages to a contemporary copper-haired American woman. 

    Krista Hawthorne
    Marsh Springs, WV
    Present Day

    After a devastating heartbreak, newspaper reporter Krista Hawthorne transfers from her native Arizona to a small Appalachian town in West Virginia, wanting only to live quietly, avoid romantic entanglements, and learn to trust again. But after several lonely weekends, she caves and accepts a dinner invitation. That night, after her date becomes demanding and belligerent, a bloodcurdling howl echoes through the mountains. Just as the full moon rises over the Lune River, a horrifying beast, wearing an Egyptian ankh medallion similar to the one Krista inherited, crashes through the forest and attacks.

    Krista escapes, but to her frustration, no one believes her story. Knowing the beast is still out there, she wants to flee the state, but the local sheriff and the DNR demand she stay for the investigation. She lives in terror, yet finds herself drawn to Sheriff Hugh Rawlins. A man of contradictions, he orders a drug test after hearing her description of the beast, then tenderly helps her through her recovery after the attack. He then forever changes both their lives when he helps her discover her true heritage and reveals why that creature let her live. 

    From the Painted Tomb blends magical realism, horror, and romance, layering the story of a contemporary woman who's afraid to trust again, and an immortal ancient Egyptian prince whose love for a copper-haired slave leads to deadly consequences that carry through the ages to a 32.

    ©2021 Brenda Hill (P)2021 Brenda Hill

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