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  • From Surviving to Thriving

  • A Mother's Journey Through Infertility, Loss and Miracles
  • De : Fabiana Bacchini
  • Lu par : Hillary Huber
  • Durée : 4 h et 16 min

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From Surviving to Thriving

De : Fabiana Bacchini
Lu par : Hillary Huber
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    After living through an emotionally turbulent journey of infertility and the birth of one son, Fabiana was thrilled to discover that she was pregnant again, this time with twins. She did not expect to encounter a tumultuous road until she was told that one of her twins had no chance of survival. Then, only weeks later, she gave birth prematurely. Her surviving twin spent months in a neonatal intensive care unit and later became a child with special needs.

    From Surviving to Thriving is about finding the joy; making the choice to see hope where others only see despair, pain, loss, and sorrow. The book teaches the listener valuable life lessons, including how to face any adverse event and find something to be thankful for. One can only feel inspired and connected with Fabiana as she recounts how she took her family on a journey from surviving to thriving.

    ©2017 Fabiana Bacchini (P)2018 Gildan Media

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