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Couverture de From Standard to Stellar: Elevating Your English Vocabulary

From Standard to Stellar: Elevating Your English Vocabulary

De : Sophia Mitchell
Lu par : Andrew Heisler, Mary Shilston
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    Embark on a journey to elevate your language skills with this comprehensive audio-course for adult learners. This 5-session course is designed to enhance your vocabulary, providing you with new words and their meanings, such as desolate, kinetic, and ebullient. It's suitable for personal enrichment and professional success, and also serves as an advanced course for ESL learners.

    Each of the 5 20-30 minute lessons introduces a selection of words that add sophistication to communication. The course includes reviews, delving into synonyms, antonyms, and etymology, ensuring a thorough understanding of usage and context. The audio format benefits auditory learners and busy individuals, allowing learning while commuting or exercising. Delivered by skilled narrators, the course ensures that pronunciation, spelling, and meaning are clearly understood, covering 150 challenging words.

    Interactive elements are included to reinforce learning, encouraging listeners to answer questions and engage with the content. This course isn't just about memorizing words; it's about empowering effective communication, critical thinking, and deep understanding. It's ideal for all adults aiming to refine their English, from professionals to lifelong learners interested in the intricacies of language.

    ©2023 Sophia Mitchell (P)2023 Historical Audiobooks

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