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  • From London with Love

  • De : Katie Fforde
  • Durée : Indisponible

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Couverture de From London with Love

From London with Love

De : Katie Fforde
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    It’s 1968 and it’s cold when Felicity arrives in London to stay with her mother, improve her English, do a secretarial course - and meet a suitable man.

    She is already missing her home in Provence and her father and his new wife and their extended family. But it’s only for a year she tells herself - and then she can go back to France and do what she really wants and become a painter.

    And then she bumps into Oliver who is quite the most interesting young man she has ever met. He lives on a barge for one thing and has a selection of jobs including looking for hidden treasures along the shores of the river Thames.

    In a word he’s a mudlarker - and before long Felicity is mudlarking too. She is also pursuing her dreams and painting scenery for Oliver’s actor friends.

    But is Oliver a Suitable Man of whom her mother will approve? Felicity knows she will not …

    Love, tangled relationships, and a real life adventure lie at the heart of Katie’s Fforde’s heart-warming novel.

    ©2025 Katie Fforde (P)2025 Penguin Audio

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