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  • From Easter to Moving Day: Clara's Life-Changing Spring in Lyon

  • Learn French with Short Stories—Parallel French & English Vocabulary for Beginners (Learn French with The Adventures of Clara, Book 4)
  • De : French Hacking
  • Lu par : Emma Natcha
  • Durée : 1 h et 28 min

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Couverture de From Easter to Moving Day: Clara's Life-Changing Spring in Lyon

From Easter to Moving Day: Clara's Life-Changing Spring in Lyon

De : French Hacking
Lu par : Emma Natcha
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    Do you want to learn French without feeling like studying? Do you want to learn idioms and speak like a real Parisian? Do you want to explore French stories without having to flick through a dictionary every other word?

    Learn French with Short Stories is your passport to mastering French while enjoying the adventures of Clara. This book is not just a language guide; it's a gateway to experiencing the vibrancy of French culture and language through enthralling narratives.

    With this unique language-learning experience, you will discover:

    The charming escapades of Clara, set against the backdrop of real-life French locations, offering an authentic taste of France's streets, landmarks, and university life.

    A delightful fusion of language learning and cultural exploration, with an authentic French recipe included for a hands-on culinary adventure.

    Engaging, real-life conversations that provide practical language skills, perfect for beginners seeking to converse confidently in French.

    Consistently entertaining characters and stories that make learning French enjoyable, combined with insights into French celebrations, traditions, and holidays.

    A distinctive presentation style that enhances the language learning experience.

    Learn French With Short Stories is ideal for anyone with a love for French culture, a desire for an engaging language learning journey, or a passion for heartwarming stories.

    Don't miss this chance to travel through France with Clara and learn French in a way that is as enjoyable as it is informative. Get your audiobook now and begin your adventure in the French language and culture, one story at a time.

    ©2024 French Hacking (P)2024 French Hacking

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