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  • From Chronic to Cured

  • The 4-Step Method Helping Women Overcome the Challenges of Fatigue and Hashimoto's Autoimmune Symptoms
  • De : Terese Millhouse
  • Lu par : Terese Millhouse
  • Durée : 2 h et 59 min

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From Chronic to Cured

De : Terese Millhouse
Lu par : Terese Millhouse
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    In From Chronic to Cured, I’ll show you how I recovered from years of fatigue and Hashimoto's autoimmune symptoms while losing 10kg of 'thyroid weight'!

    (Even after I tried EVERYTHING and spent thousands on doctors and treatments with little to no results)

    This book is dedicated to all moms juggling their careers, kids, and chronic fatigue and/or thyroid autoimmune symptoms. You are the unsung heroes and backbone of your family, and you are not alone.

    Hey there beautiful human! I'm Terese Millhouse and in this book From Chronic to Cured...

    ...I reveal my personal recovery story and how I overcame my own struggles from years of chronic fatigue and thyroid autoimmune symptoms, even as a single mum with a 9-year-old daughter (after my husband passed away from Young Onset Dementia at age 36).

    If I can recover, you can too! In this book I show you how you can take back control of your own health at home, using my 4-Step Chronic to Cured Recovery Method, even when you have been told by doctors that there’s nothing more you can do and you’ll just have to manage your symptoms (this happened to me too!).

    This book is everything I wish I had known years ago and could tell my younger self. I am sharing this with you, so it helps you to avoid what I went through, to save you time, pain, and anguish. To provide you with a natural recovery method that works, so you no longer have to experience that terrible mummy guilt, fatigue and endless brain fog, and be able to enjoy precious quality time with your kids and finally feel your normal self with energy and vibrancy!

    My mission is to reduce the epidemic of autoimmune illness that predominantly affects women worldwide.

    You are powerful. You are amazing! You are f%$king fabulous! You have come so far and achieved so much in your life already even if you can’t see it or feel it yet. You deserve to have joy and energy. You can do this. You are not alone. You can recover.

    ©2023 Teresa Millhouse (P)2024 Teresa Millhouse

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