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  • From Burnout to Belonging

  • Discover the 5 Microcultures That Lead to a Low-Stress Workplace
  • De : Kimberly Carozzi
  • Lu par : James Scofield
  • Durée : 3 h et 22 min

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From Burnout to Belonging

De : Kimberly Carozzi
Lu par : James Scofield
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    Discover how to bounce back from burnout….

    Take control of your professional life, and your personal life will follow.

    Have you been overly stressed out at work?

    Are you finding it difficult to concentrate on even the simplest of tasks?

    When was the last time you had a good night’s sleep?

    If going to work in the morning feels like climbing Mount Everest…you might just be suffering from burnout…and you’re not alone.

    One Deloitte survey of US professionals found that 77 percent of respondents have experienced burnout at their current job.

    It’s perhaps no wonder, then, that millions of Americans are quitting their jobs every month…and millions more around the world are following suit.

    You shouldn’t have to work a job you hate…with people you don’t like…for a company that doesn’t value you…

    And you shouldn’t have to spend your “family time” worried about the work you have to catch up on, or counting down the days until it’s Friday afternoon again.

    But the sad truth is that many people still do.

    Employees around the world drag themselves out of bed, wondering why they’re working the job they have and staring desperately at the clock as each minute creeps by.

    Minutes turn into days, and days turn into months of feeling trapped and defeated by work. Every week passes with nothing but another week of dread and worry to look forward to.

    This ongoing burnout can push you to the brink of a physical and mental breakdown.

    But the good news is it doesn’t have to be that way.

    Because with the right guidance and advice, you’ll not only develop the strength to defeat burnout…you’ll also know how to stop it from ever creeping back into your life again.

    And it all starts with using this guide to find the right “microculture” for you.

    In this book, you’ll discover:

    • Five popular workplace myths—why the traditional career model doesn’t work anymore
    • Ten dangerous signs you may be suffering from burnout—ask yourself these questions
    • Twelve easy stress-relieving techniques you can use to conquer burnout
    • The five types of microcultures…and how to find out which one suits you best
    • Five work-related causes of burnout…plus what you can do to manage your stress
    • Fifteen questions you can ask to help determine whether you’ll fit into a potential new workplace
    • Why burnout is actually a good thing (really!)
    • Over 20 precise journaling questions to help you understand what’s important for you in your career
    • The surprising truth about the relationship between workplace culture and job performance—your environment really does matter

    And much more…

    Don’t waste any more Sundays drowning in anxiety and fear.

    By taking the right steps to bring balance back to your life, you can quickly reclaim your time and energy, and focus on goals that truly matter to you.

    Start living your life the way you want—with people who appreciate you, in an environment that makes you feel comfortable.

    ©2022 Kimberly Marie Carozzi (P)2022 Kimberly Marie Carozzi

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