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  • Freelance Your Way to Freedom

  • How to Free Yourself from the Corporate World and Build the Life of Your Dreams
  • De : Alexandra Fasulo
  • Lu par : Jenny Rich
  • Durée : 6 h et 35 min

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Freelance Your Way to Freedom

De : Alexandra Fasulo
Lu par : Jenny Rich
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    Master the new realities of work with this step-by-step guide to freelancing

    In Freelance Your Way to Freedom: How to Free Yourself from the Corporate World and Build the Life of Your Dreams, freelancing phenomenon Alex Fasulo delivers a practical, step-by-step guide to navigating the potential and perils of launching your very own side hustle. In the book, the author draws on her own experience transforming a $36,000/year Fiverr side hustle into a million-dollar enterprise. She explains how to manage those critical moments in business when decisions need to be made quickly and without warning.

    You'll find concrete tips and hands-on examples to make the gig economy work for you, Freelance Your Way to Freedom also includes:

    - The good, the bad, and the ugly about the new work economy

    - Relatable struggles, mindset challenges, and a woman's perspective on solopreneurship

    - Anecdotes and examples that show you how to apply the advice and guidance contained within

    A can't-miss handbook for freelancers, solopreneurs, and entrepreneurs, Freelance Your Way to Freedom belongs on the bookshelves of anyone participating or interested in the new world of work.

    ©2023 Alexandra Fasulo (P)2022 Ascent Audio

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