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Couverture de Freedom Seeker

Freedom Seeker

De : Yvonne Winkler
Lu par : Shannon Matson
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    Yvonne Winkler was born and raised in communist East Germany until age 11 when her family left everything they knew behind in search of a better life. As a fiercely independent only child, she grew up way too fast in West Germany, and then again when her family immigrated to Canada, where adapting to fit in as a teen turned into several dependencies.

    As an adult, Yvonne strove to find freedom by climbing the corporate ladder, only to face the glass ceiling. A back to her roots backpacking trip in Europe reminded her what freedom truly meant, but she lost the lesson upon her return to work and at the bottom of a wine bottle. Finally, the global pandemic violently resurrected the echoes of oppression from her childhood that forced her to renew her resolve and find true freedom—within herself.

    Freedom Seeker is an honest exploration of reconnecting to our feminine wisdom in a world that benefits from our distractions and subjugation.

    ©2022 Yvonne Winkler (P)2023 Lachesis Publishing Inc

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