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  • Freedom

  • Escape Negativity & Overthinking to Live Happily & Find Your Purpose
  • De : Tommy Swindali
  • Lu par : KC Wayman
  • Durée : 2 h et 19 min

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De : Tommy Swindali
Lu par : KC Wayman
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    Success is a journey filled with ups and downs, many of which are of our own making…

    Do you often compare yourself to others, wondering why their lives seem perfect while yours isn't? Do you lie awake at night, trapped in repetitive thoughts, questioning where it all went wrong?

    Sometimes life can feel so overwhelming, we get anxious about the future or we get stuck on a past regret and find it difficult to move on.

    These feelings are common, however most people try to avoid facing the true issues. So we avoid thinking about it, but change begins with a thought.

    This book will help you to transform destructive thinking into constructive thoughts or peaceful moments. It will also help you to recognize the distractions and manipulation that steer you away from your purpose.

    Inside this book, you will discover four pillars to help you with that:

    • Purpose: Start reducing negativity by discovering your purpose.
    • Lifestyle: Build a fulfilling life with a purpose-driven approach.
    • Mindfulness: Understand that you are not your thoughts.
    • Letting Go: Freedom explained, by letting go of unhelpful thoughts.

    All of this and much more….

    With the knowledge and lessons found in this book, you can achieve more fulfilment, clarity, and inner peace. In turn you’ll be able to make better decisions, enjoy the moment and live a higher quality life.

    Start transforming your thinking and improving your life with this book.

    ©2024 Tommy Swindali (P)2024 Tommy Swindali

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