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Couverture de Frances and the Monster

Frances and the Monster

De : Refe Tuma
Lu par : Esther Wane
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    “A joy to read!" — New York Times bestselling author Margaret Peterson Haddix

    What would you do if you accidentally brought a monster to life and set him loose on your town?

    Adventurous and charming, this middle grade twist on Frankenstein features a precocious main character who does just that. Perfect for fans of Serafina and the Black Cloak and the Greenglass House series.

    Frances Stenzel was just trying to prove her scientific worth to her parents so they would take her with them to their scientific symposiums for once—instead, she reawakened her great-grandfather’s secret and most terrible invention.

    Before it can destroy the town, she sets off after it, with her pet chimp and sarcastic robot tutor by her side. But monster-hunting isn’t easy, and she’ll have to face a persistent constable, angry locals, and an unexpected friendship ahead—all while the trail for the monster goes cold and time is running out before her science career, and the city itself, are doomed forever.

    Full of thrills and heart alike, Frances and the Monster takes readers through winding streets and over perilous rooftops, with wily monsters, unpredictable twists, and powerful friendships waiting along the way.

    ©2022 Refe Tuma (P)2022 HarperCollins Publishers

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