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De : Robin Dare
Lu par : Cade Mitchell
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The world has been shattered. The remnants of civilization are threatened by angelic creatures known as Heralds. The Heralds possess supernatural abilities, able to conjure weapons and armor forged from light, and crush minds through psychic attacks. Those that are not killed are captured and turned into more Heralds, adding to their ever-growing ranks.

In the face of this rising threat, old kingdoms and former empires fight for survival, developing firearms and techniques capable of combating the Heralds. Though only shadows remain of their former glory, these nations still cling to their arrogant pride and bitter grudges. Aristocracy maintains supremacy, whilst the commonfolk merely scrape by.

A young woman, stuck in the bottom rungs of society, finds herself forced to fight against the onslaught of Heralds. She knows that there are worse fates than death as she tries to keep herself and her brother from falling into an early grave or a Herald’s clutch. As she navigates the treacherous world she lives in, she must also struggle with her own past trauma as she trudges ever onward amidst the rain, gunfire, and blood.

©2024 Robin Dare (P)2024 Cade Mitchell
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