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  • Four Red Sweaters

  • Powerful True Stories of Women and the Holocaust
  • De : Lucy Adlington
  • Durée : 12 h

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Four Red Sweaters

De : Lucy Adlington
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    The New York Times bestselling author of The Dressmakers of Auschwitz tells the stories of four Jewish girls during the Holocaust, strangers whose lives were unknowingly linked by everyday garments, revealing how the ordinary can connect us in extraordinary ways.

    Jock Heidenstein, Anita Lasker, Chana Zumerkorn, and Regina Feldman all faced the Holocaust in different ways. While they did not know each other—in fact had never met—each had a red sweater that would play a major part in their lives. In this absorbing and deeply moving account, award-winning clothes historian Lucy Adlington documents their stories, knitting together the experiences that fragmented their families and their lives.

    Adlington immortalizes these young women whose resilience, skills, strength, and kindness accompanied them through the darkest events in human history. A powerful reminder of the suffering they endured and a celebration of courage, love, and tenacity, this moving and original work illuminates moments long lost to history, now pieced back together by a simple garment.

    Four Red Sweaters is illustrated with more than two dozen black-and-white images throughout.

    ©2025 Lucy Adlington (P)2025 HarperCollins Publishers

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