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Couverture de Four


De : A. A. Clifford
Lu par : Michael Joss
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    Science and Religion are not enemies.

    2097 A.D. Religion is no longer the world’s dominant belief system. Cyrenism, a global collection of atheists, agnostics and scientists is now the majority, and our society has become dependent upon artificial intelligence, technology and advanced robotics.

    Global Marshal Austin Corrigan is a man produced by this brave new world. He is a tenacious law enforcement officer and a dedicated Cyrenist. Austin is balanced on the job and in life by his best friend, Dean “Deadman” Clarkson, a devout Catholic and a lethal military sniper.

    When three of the most dangerous criminals in the world escape Prime Supermax Prisons, Austin and his team go after them. The escapees are tied to a fourth man, a powerful figure whose ambition is fueled by the most terrifying prophecies of religion.

    Austin tracks his prey and discovers they possess incredible abilities that logic cannot explain: superhuman strength, speed, agility and a dominant telekinetic power. Are these man-made criminals, scientifically enhanced Apex Humans, or is Austin in pursuit of the unimaginable, the biblical Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

    Austin confronts his enemy and his belief in a final battle and is forced to make an unspeakable choice, one that will forever change science, religion and the life which binds them together.

    ©2019 Gary Hardwick (P)2024 Gary Hardwick

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