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Four Evidences for Aliens and UFOs in Earth’s History

De : Martin K. Ettington
Lu par : Martin K. Ettington
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In this book I present the listener with four sources of proof that aliens and UFOs have been on the Earth for not only thousands, but millions of years.

The first source is about giants existing on this Earth not only thousands, but millions of years ago. It was before humanity existed. Giant footprints have been found in stone in many cases, which is strong evidence that alien giants existed back then, who walked the Earth.

The second source is objects, which are in the wrong places and times. I’ve presented a group of them from my other books. My favorite example is the chariot wheel in the ceiling of a coal mine, which must be millions of years old. Some intelligent being created it, and again, it was well before humanity existed.

The third piece of evidence has to do with stories from ancient documents like the Ramayana, or the bible of stories which seem to be about aliens and spaceships as described by primitive peoples who had no knowledge of science and technology.

I hope you enjoy the evidence collected here, and if you are already knowledgeable about this subject, maybe you will find something new.

©2021 Martin K. Ettington (P)2021 Martin K. Ettington
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