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Founder's Legacy

De : Simon Court
Lu par : Simon Court
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    Become the leader your business needs.

    Nine out of ten startups ultimately fail. Perhaps they run out of cash, lack product-market fit, or have an ineffectual marketing strategy. But these things don’t just happen. They result from founder leaders not having the right people around them and not making the best decisions. In other words, many growing companies fail due to poor leadership—and these failures are preventable.

    Great leadership capitalizes on the business’s potential. In Founder’s Legacy, you will learn how to address the breadth of challenges that founders and leaders face in a way that is consistent with your strengths, values, and purpose so you can successfully grow your business.

    Collecting his twenty-five years of experience in helping founders across the globe strengthen their leadership and his insights gained from founding his own consulting company, Simon Court has created fifty succinct lessons that anyone who wants to be a successful leader can benefit from. Full of relevant research, time-tested strategies, stories from Simon’s extraordinary range of professional experience, and thought-provoking reflection questions, Founder’s Legacy will coach you in unlocking your unique leadership potential. Whether your business is a unicorn in the making or a small startup striving to grow, this book will guide you to your desired success.

    ©2024 Simon Court (P)2024 Greenleaf Book Group

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